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The city of…

Paper and Sound



This project has been done during a trip to Paris where I spent 2 weeks mapping the city through drawings and recordings.

Looking back to the material that I collected I decided to make three categories of the city that I felt, saw and walked; that is why we have the city of wonder, of inequalities and of fear.


The city of wonder is the city that makes you dream, the romantic Paris full of artist, painters and beautiful buildings that this city has to offer to the world, the ones that gave her the fame that she has had for a long while now.

However, in the second category we find the city of inequalities, the one that moves in a global logic, becoming a node of systems of information and money, and the wealth that she captures comes from business as financial institutions, consulting firms, law firms, and media organizations… In this logic we can see Christmas flee markets full of people consuming for this holiday and people out of the financial system asking for something to survive. 



In the third category we find the city of fear. The Paris after the last terrorist attacks, were you can be controlled everywhere. The Opération Sentinelle and the Plan Vigipirate are the systems made in place by the government to control all the places with a large number of visitors. Since the last 18 of July 10.000 soldiers have been deployed in the public space to make the population feel safe. 


This is what I saw in Paris, and I think I could have seen the same situation in any city of that kind…

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